UK Prime Minister Race: Apostle Francis Amoako Attah Prophesy Reveals Liz Truss Victory

Liz Truss Election As UK Prime Minister; A Prophesy Fulfilled
The election of Liz Truss as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom had been prophesied barely a month before the elections by the SEER, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah of Parliament Chapel International (PCI).
Liz Truss was officially declared the U.K.’s prime minister after meeting with the queen, Queen Elizabeth II on Tuesday, who asked her to form a new government.
In a short video of the SEER, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah who was speaking on August 4, 2022 revealed that, Former Chancellor Rishi Sunak, who quit the government earlier this month and who was also vying for the the Prime Ministership, can never win the elections.
He said in the video that “Sunak will never succeed,” and that his Star had already been sold out by the Buchingham Palace and the Queen.
“The woman will be the next prime minister because they need a woman who will act like a Thatcher,” he said.
“Look, this guy has all the money but he can never win. By Sunday 31st July the docket has closed. By October the woman is going to be the Prime Minister and will be sowrn in,” Apostle Francis Amoako Attah said.