
Why Should The Grassroots Continue To Suffer? – Apostle Asare Asks

An Apostle of the Word of God, Apostle Paul Kwesi Asare said it is unfortunate that people who laid down their lives for political parties continue to suffer in poverty.

According to him, politicians continue to forget what the grassroots have done for them for which they must reciprocate.

Speaking in a Facebook live Video dubbed “The Servant TV,” Apostle Paul Kwesi Asare urged the politicians and the rich in society not to please themselves, but consider the poor in society.

He said, those who have should never forget the poor people who queued on voting day to vote for them to become MPs, Ministers and Directors.

He said, the time has come for the politicians to build those who stood up, laid down their lives, campaigned and helped the party win political power up.

Apostle Paul Kwesi Asare who spoke passionately said, the recent outcome of the 2020 elections is a big lesson for the government and the politicians of the Nana Akufo-Addo administration.

According to him, the Skirt and Blouse vote that characterized the elections is clear indication of how the politicians especially NPP leaders abandoned the grassroots.

“The Lord has seen the heart of Nana Akufo-Addo and hence gave him victory in the face of the Skirt and Blouse votes. But the behavior of some MPs and Ministers, directors in the NPP administration is giving cause to worry.”

“The grassroots shook themselves a little and voted skirt and blouse against the NPP, what happens in 2024. Are we with them or we have abandoned them?” he asked.

He said, if the NPP makes the mistake of entering 2024 with the same character, then they will be entering a season of doom.

“They must be steady; NPP leaders are headstrong against their own people. Look you must think of those who voted for you. The party can stand only on the strength of the poor masses.”

He said, after the elections, there is the need for government to build the poor people who voted for them so they can also give off their best to build the party in return.

Apostle Paul Kwesi Asare commended the efforts and roles played by Kate Gyamfua, NPP National Women Organizer and the Greater Accra Women Organiser Grace Acheampong for rallying women to vote for NPP, even at the time when some of the men were asleep.

“They have done a lot for people just to ensure the NPP wins. Grace Acheampong is still doing that. Grace Acheampong had sponsored pastors across the country to go to all the 16 regions to pray for the party and Nana Akufo-Addo. We went to Kintampo, the middle of Ghana and connected to the 16 regions and prayed for Nana Akufo-Addo. This woman fought for Akufo-Addo and the NPP and they deserve to be appreciated,” he said.

He also recalled that before the elections, Grace Acheampong, Pastors and all constituency women organizers held prayer sessions every two weeks for the party.

He said, “These women laid down their lives for the victory of NPP.”

He appealed to the President to remember the sufferings of these people including the pastors who helped in ensuring victory from the Throne of Grace for the party.

“These people need to be rewarded for their work and sufferings,” he said.

He said there is no doubt that Grace Acheampong and Kate Gyemfuah are the people who old the women wing of the party strong.

Apostle Paul Kwesi Asare bemoaned the situation where the rich who are mostly the politicians in Ghana continue to eat the good of the land whilst their subjects at the grasstroots suffer.

He quoted Proverbs 13: vrs15 “The greedy stir up conflict, but those who trust in the LORD will prosper,” and urged politicians not to stir conflict and apprehension among their supporters with their behaviors.

Click to listen to him



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