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85-year old Hajj Chair Collapses At Investiture Of Akuffo Addo

Ghana’s Hajj Board Chairman Sheikh I.C Quaye last Thursday collapsed at the swearing in of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo at the fore court of the Accra International Conference Centre.

Sheikh I.C Quaye wobbled and fell to the ground in front of high profile delegation from around world who were in the country to observe the swearing in ceremony. The former Greater Accra Regional Minister together with the delegation were on their way to have lunch.

The 85-year old Hajj Board Chairman was was rushed to the hospital by officials of the State Protocol.

It was not immediately known why I.C Quaye collapsed, but sources close to the octogenerian revealed that he has been battling with illness and had taken medication few hours before the event.

Source: Thomas Acheampong

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