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Afenyo-Markin Running Scared Of Court

The confused and desperate outgoing Member of Parliament (MP) for Effutu, and failed Board Chairman of the Ghana Water Co. Ltd (GWCL), Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin, has once again displayed his cowardice by his failure to sue the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) for undertaking a routine internal transfer of some staff, and shamelessly running away with a speed surpassing that of Usain Bolt from suing the unfazed son of the upright peasant farmer for exposing his theft of about US$180m from an International Bank in Ghana, and his subsequent attempt at feigning innocence when the theft was detected and proceeding to default in the agreed repayment arrangements.

As a matter of law, the Bank confiscated a lot of Afenyo-Markin’s property. Some of the properties seized include Afenyo-Markin’s house at Dzorwulu, where he squats, as well as his Chrysler and Ford SUV vehicles. The Bank has been extremely kind by allowing Afenyo-Markin to continue residing in this property as its tenant.

Furthermore, having also defaulted in repaying a loan to UT Bank, the Bank legally proceeded to seize Afenyo-Markin’s garage in Takoradi.

In addition, Afenyo-Markin instituted a frivolous and vexatious suit against the Ghana Bauxite Co. Ltd, with the sole aim of dubiously claiming for the payment/refund of some monies which were meant to be paid to the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA). It was as a result of the prompt and efficient actions of a Deputy Finance Minister, that stopped the said revenue due the Republic of Ghana from ending up in the greedy and callous Afenyo-Markin’s pocket.

Afenyo-Markin also approached the then Managing Director (MD) of the Agricultural Development Bank (ADB) to inform him that government was about to sell ADB, whereupon Afenyo-Markin demanded and received a huge amount of money with the promise to influence the Parliamentary Select Committee to reverse the sale. This was captured on tape. However, Afenyo-Markin as usual, pocketed the money and failed to fulfill his promise.

In September 2015, the Managing Editor of the Daily Dispatch newspaper, Ben Ephson, advised Afenyo-Markin not to comment on the alleged leaked tape that appeared to implicate him in a bribery scandal regarding the ADB Initial Public Offer (IPO).
According to the pollster, any attempt by the legislator who doubled as Lawyer for one of the plaintiffs seeking to stop the IPO, would aggravate an already embarrassing expose’ in the audio which contained a voice that bore a striking resemblance to his.

In the said voice recording, two people, one believed to be Afenyo-Markin, was heard planning to present a weak case against the IPO before the Supreme Court, so that the Court would throw out the case to enable he Afenyo-Markin and some other unnamed Members of Parliament, benefit financially.

The discussion between the two also detailed huge amounts of monies that they had received from some persons who were interested in seeing the IPO, come into fruition

The damning audio also revealed that the decision to withdraw an initial suit against the IPO was hatched deliberately, to ensure that the Bank proceeded with the sale of the shares.

Afenyo-Markin’s criminal activities know no bounds, as he shamelessly attempted to bribe some National Security Personnel with an amount of GHS 18,000, which was rejected outright by the patriotic young men.
Afenyo-Markin had wanted the National Security Personnel out of UEW, in order to pave way for his hired thugs to invade UEW and in the ensuing chaos, kill some specific individuals including Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of UEW, and my unwavering self. What a shame! And this is a Member of Parliament?

The above are not mere allegations, but incontrovertible facts submitted by me to Afenyo-Markin and the public at large. Therefore, I expect Afenyo-Markin to sue me and my ancestors and set the ‘records straight’, instead of ignorantly and cowardly disgracing himself about internal transfers of staff at UEW.

Afenyo-Markin childishly believes that the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) is his personal bona fide property; sometimes he behaves as if he is a Co-Vice-Chancellor when indeed he doesn’t even qualify to be a lecturer, a head of department or Dean in any reputable university!

Afenyo-Markin should get it into his empty head that UEW is for all Ghanaians. To add to this, UEW has got three other satellite campuses, referred to as Colleges, apart from the headquarters in Winneba, and 40 study centres that span from Axim to Navrongo.

The satellite campuses are: Ajumako, Kumasi and Asante Mampong. The enabling Act of UEW, thus Act 672 of 2004, did not make a provision for say: ‘University of Education, Ajumako/Kumasi/Mampong’. Therefore, Afenyo-Markin’s weird claim that UEW belongs to him, is out of ignorance or pure mischief.

There are Members of Parliament for Ajumako, Kwadaso (UEW Kumasi Campus), and Mampong, who can equally claim ownership of the UEW Campuses sited in their Constituencies, but because these other Members of Parliament are reasonable, one will NEVER hear them making empty and senseless noise and interfering unnecessarily and needlessly in the affairs of UEW like Afenyo-Markin.

If Afenyo-Markin is therefore a man and not just a baby with very sharp teeth, capable only of making empty puffs in his rented media outlets like TV3 and ghanaweb, then he should immediately sue me for my unending publication of his criminal and nuisance acts, and further sue UEW for the transfer of some of its staff.

Is this MP aware that UEW has over 2,000 staff working in these 44 stations, and that routine transfers are nothing new to this 25 year old university?

It is simply unimaginable that a supposed lawmaker can be so disingenuous, violence-hungry and lover of lies! Afenyo-Markin recently lied to the Winneba Zongo Chief and secured blank letterheads with signatures with a promise to secure funding for the Zongo community, only to turn around and use one of these letterheads to write a ridiculous letter telling more lies about the VC of UEW.

Even after the Zongo Chief had denied any involvement in this criminal act, Afenyo-Markin went further to fabricate a letterhead purported to belong to his fierce competitor, Dr. James Kofi Annan and wrote a letter of apology with a forged signature of the Winneba businessman. While Dr. Kofi Annan was busy denying this criminal act of Afenyo-Markin on radio and other social media outlets, the shameless outgoing MP, Afenyo-Markin, was busy making arrangements to hire some young men at Buduburam to come to UEW and destroy life and property. Thanks to Allah, the men collected his dirty money but failed to come for fear of being met by the patriotic National Security Operatives keeping watch over this important national asset.

Interestingly, Afenyo-Markin is able to find new stories to tell the few who believe him and still follow him, although fact is that many are simply collecting his dirty money and squandering for nothing.

It is a fact that just a few days ago, Afenyo-Markin tricked some sub-Chiefs in Effutu, and bused them to Accra to meet the President of the Republic at Jubilee House (when His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo, was indeed in Angola!). Upon arriving in Accra, Afenyo-Markin quickly came up with a different story and allegedly offered the Chiefs GHS 10,000!

Thanks to Allah, there is a pool of patriotic citizens who are not enthused about Afenyo-Markin’s desperate and pathetic strategies. Someone should tell Afenyo-Markin that he has failed and will continue to fail, Insha Allah!

The failed senseless coup d’etat which he masterminded at UEW, should be fresh in his crooked memory!
If Afenyo-Markin still doesn’t believe that he has failed, he should double check the low attendance as well as the ever increasing disagreements occurring at his midnight meetings with his own ‘loyalists’, and the speed at which notices of the said meetings deliberations and resolutions, are leaked to me. I am reliably informed that most followers failed to attend to his recent invitations!
Afenyo-Markin is assured that even the two (2) football teams that he sired (22 children with 15 ladies; Afenyo-Markin being the coach), would leak any relevant information from their father’s bedroom to me, knowingly or unknowingly; and since there is no age requirement to participate in demonstrations, why is Afenyo-Markin not deploying his twenty-two (22) children in the demonstrations that he orchestrates to destroy UEW?

Shame on you, Afenyo-Markin! You have failed to destroy UEW and Effutu! More disgrace await you! In addition, you should get ready to be booted out of Parliament soon!

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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