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Africa Must Not Continue To Sleep, Rest – Apostle Francis Amoako Attah

The Founder and Leader of The Lords Parliament Chapel International (PCI), Apostle Francis Amoako Attah has commended the President, Nana Addo Damkwa Akufo-Addo for not granting a Holiday on May 25, 2021 which was Africa Union Day.

“We don’t have what it takes to rest,” he said.
Speaking on Angel Fm’s Anopa Bofo) show yesterday, he pointed out that no Africa nation deserves a holiday even though they may be celebrating an AU Day.
He demanded to know what it will benefit the country if everybody is made to stray at home all in the name of a Holiday.
Making a clear example of developments in Africa for which there is no time for jokes, sleep, and rest, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah said Nigeria which was founded some 104 years ago still depends on America for help; likewise all other African nations.
He averred that Africa’s security system is broken down, economy falling and development pace not encouraging and that this is the time for Africa to rise up and work to rebuild rather than sleeping in the name of holidays.
Commenting on Gold Coast, the Man of God who has earned the name ‘The SEER’ for his accurate prophesies indicated that Gold Coast was also founded in 1948; the same time Israel was founded as a nation yet Israel is far ahead of Ghana.
He said that is not a good reason for a Holiday.
He also lauded the President of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for giving Ghana very attractive and international standard flyovers.
These flyovers, he said Ghana have showcased to Africa and the World on AU Day.
“This is very good and I applaud the President for that,” he said.
The SEER who gave a gist of a book he authored which will soon be launched and copies given to all African Presidents, said the Title of his Book “Seven (7 Steps) To Turn Africa Around Or Shut Down” is a must read for all African leaders who are ready to turn the continent around.
Although he is yet to release the said Book, he hinted that Page One of the Book talks about Energy as the first Step to turn Africa around.
He said, until Africa corrects the energy crisis, it will shut down.
“We need to correct the energy system. Energy is going to be a serious demand in this end time because everything revolves around energy in this global village. Without energy nothing works. The world has become world of energy,” he said.
He said, Ghana’s economy became works after two years of continuous ‘dumsor’.
Apostle Francis Amoako Attah stressed that “The moment you shut your energy down you have shut your productivity done.”

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