Africans Must Wake-Up From The Slave Mentality – Apostle Francis Amoako Attah

Founder and Leader of the Parliament Chapel International (Formerly; Freedom Chapel), Apostle Francis Amoako Attah has revealed that how Africans are able to reposition the continent between 2020 and 2050 will determine largely, what the next generation can do.
He said, current developments are pointing to the fact that Africa is lost and until “we rediscover our identity, we cannot rise. But we need to rise, we must rise.”
Speaking in an exclusive interview, which was made possible through the Media liaison of Parliament Chapel, McLord Ice, the Man of God indicated that Africa seems to have lost its identity because it continues to wallow in the same mentality that the Europeans enslaved them with.
According to Apostle Francis Amoako Attah religion and politics are tools that are being used to divide Africa making its people lazy.
“Should we continue to be imprisoned? No. Look anytime you are imprisoned, they kill your ideas, kill your dreams, kill your future and instill bitterness in you. That is what the whites continue to do to us and it is about time we, as Africans, we go back to our roots,” he said.
Apostle Francis Amoako Attah who is embarking on a campaign dubbed, ‘Time For Africa; What Went Wrong?’ explained that majority of Africans confused Religion to mean Christianity or Spirituality because of how they are made to believe.
According to him, Religion which is a tradition that was passed on to this generation especially in Africa, is drawing people away from Christ, which he said its spirituality and Christianity.
According to him, Jesus came and met Religion and said people must change their minds away from Religion to Spirituality.
He said Acts Chapter 1:16 clearly explained it all “Brothers and sisters, the Scripture had to be fulfilled in which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through David concerning Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus.”
He also intimated that the Spirit as revealed in Acts Chapter 2 of the Bible built the Church.
He explained that the Europeans came to Africa as Missionaries and Merchants, hiding behind Mission work to steal the people and bring Religion that will enslave them forever.
He also stated that most pastors today are hiding behind Religion to steal the people and do all sorts of things that do not conform with Christ and spirituality.
“That is why those who are truly following Christ are Christians and they worship in spirit, that is spirituality,” he revealed.
The Man of God also revealed that he had a revelation where God told him “I will give Africa the anointing to solve Africa’s problems,” adding that God told me Ghana does not need Benny Hinn.
According to Apostle Francis Amoako Attah, God wants to raise a new generation in Africa that will solve the world problem.
He noted that all the time God is using opportunities for Africa to be able to stand of its own and that God gave to the world seven things through Africa yet, Africans lost all these to the West.
He noted that God gave Africans the power and knowledge for Medicine, Agriculture, Architecture, Mathematics, Writing, Metal, stressing that in all these “We are the best. So what went wrong?”
According to him, things are this way because Africans do not want to develop their own. “We have natural resources in abundance yet we have delight in raw materials, we in turn give them out to the whites, they go and develop, change it and bring it back to us and we accept it.”
He said Africans must be very careful with the use of Politics and Religion and that Politics is very expensive yet it only benefits only a few and that Religion has come to make us lazy.
He said for Africa to be able to get the clear understanding of the purpose of God on the land, the message and the method of the church must change.
–Prosper Agbenyega