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Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin: The Mischief-Maker

Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin: The Mischief-Maker

It is becoming crystal clear that Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin, is nothing but a troublemaker, creator of chaos and sustainer of same. Having engineered, sponsored and nourished the students demonstration at the University of Education, Winneba (UEW,), where he succeeded in hiring some student and non-student youth alike, including some of his party executives to destroy university property and going scot-free, he has not ceased in his unpatriotic and vain attempts, aimed at taking the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) along with him into opposition, come the December 2020 general elections.

In a senseless letter, typical of him, Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin, the outgoing Member of Parliament (MP) for Effutu, and failed Board Chairman of the Ghana Water Co. Ltd. (GWCL), in a classic exercise in futility, warned Mr. Francis Obeng, the newly appointed Finance Officer (FO) of UEW, to stay away from the said position, claiming that there has never been a vacancy!
If the egomaniac Afenyo-Markin is now of the opinion that there is no vacancy at UEW for the position of FO, what then informed his judgment to fully endorse and participate in the Investiture and Induction of Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, as the 4th Vice-Chancellor (VC), of UEW? Why didn’t Afenyo-Markin advice President Akufo-Addo accordingly?

It is public knowledge that Prof. Avoke and the dismissed Finance Officer of UEW, Theophilus Ackorlie, are basically like twins, with regards to their current predicament vis-a-vis UEW. Afenyo-Markin would do his already failed legal career some sort of damage limitation, if he pronounces to the whole world, the law that came into force in Ghana between September 2018 and July 8th 2019, that made a legal distinction between the woes of Prof. Avoke, and the misery of Ackorlie!

And Afenyo-Markin calls himself a lawyer? Does he ever read or consult, or is he simply evil? In a poorly written letter, which he rightly felt proud to post on his Facebook wall, Afenyo-Markin stated among others: “Enjoy your carrier at at UCC ….”. The crying baby Afenyo-Markin cannot distinguish between ‘career’ and “carrier”. See attached. What a shame!!

Afenyo-Markin is now running scared of the Courts. He is quick to sue, but runs away soon thereafter! Afenyo-Markin has now resorted to intimidating people like my good self, who see Afenyo-Markin as a common criminal, and NOTHING more! Afenyo-Markin is too small to intimidate me.

Rumour has it that Afenyo-Markin was one of the hands behind the recent disturbing acts of the National Security operatives against the two journalists of Modernghana. How much Afenyo-Markin allegedly bribed one of the detained journalists to retract his earlier claims of torture, would be apparent in the not too distant future, just like Afenyo-Markin’s offer of a bribe of GHS 60,000,00 to some UTAG National Executives earlier this year to issue disgraceful press statements, that leaked in a matter of days!

Afenyo-Markin has woefully failed in his efforts at stopping me from telling the world about his many criminal activities.
This dishonourable baby with very sharp teeth, managed to deceive the WINNEBA Zongo Chief to hand over his letterheads to him, with the promise to help raise funds for an endowment fund for the Zongo community.
Afenyo Markin got the 80 plus-year-old Zongo Chief to append his signatures on BLANK letterheads, and instead of the fundraising, he went out and wrote that apology of a letter condemning the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of UEW. The very day the Zongo Chief’s purported letter came out, the Chief granted interviews to journalists denying any knowledge of this act. Clearly, the dejected Afenyo-Markin had deceived the Zongo Chief and attached him to his moronic act!

This same dishonourable outgoing MP, went to court with frivolous claims against UEW, among others, seeking an injunction on impending elections for UEW Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Pro-VC), and when the case was called, Afenyo-Markin was nowhere near the courtroom!
If Afenyo-Markin is a man, let him head to Court again and attempt to stop Mr. Francis Obeng from occupying the position to which the Governing Council has appointed him!
Who puts any weight on a worthless letter from a common criminal like Afenyo-Markin?

My worries in respect of the success or otherwise of all the now frivolous and vexatious suits against UEW came to an end, the day the miserable Afenyo-Markin, through our prayers to Allah to cast all traitors out of our inner circle, disgracefully joined the caucus of the grief-stricken Prof. Mawutor Avoke.

I now go to bed without any doubt about our legal representatives, because they cannot be bribed, unlike Afenyo-Markin, who has neither conscience nor loyalty, and would easily sell his client to his adversary for maggots.

It is therefore not surprising that since Afenyo-Markin joined the foot soldiers of the dismissed VC of UEW (Prof. Avoke), Dr. Bekoe, as expected, lost his case at the Cape Coast High Court against UEW, in respect of his reinstatement; and just this week, the unemployed Nigerian Lawyer (Theophilus Adepoju), fronting for Afenyo-Markin in another frivolous and vexatious suit against UEW, was spectacularly dismissed by the Winneba High Court, and a fine of GHS 8,000.00, slapped on the weather-beaten face of the leftover eater, Adepoju. Afenyo-Markin and his associates, haven’t seen anything yet!

Anyone, attempting to remove the Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni from office as VC of UEW, will not only have their fingers burnt, but their entire ‘body’ as well, Insha Allah!

Part IV of the Classic Paradox series is on the way, so readers should exercise patience. Apart from Allah, NOTHING will stop the series!!

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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