Local News

Bring It On, Afenyo-Markin!


At a meeting convened by Afenyo-Markin, the outgoing Member of Parliament (MP) for Effutu and failed Board Chairman of the Ghana Water Co. Ltd (GWCL) on Thursday 11th July, 2019, he made it clear that he would use his strong influence in the NPP to ensure that the Governing Council of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), is not reconstituted by the 17th of July, 2019, as anticipated.

Afenyo-Markin resolved that thereafter, he would invite the dismissed Vice-Chancellor (VC) of UEW, Prof. Mawutor Avoke, who got himself sacked for having derived his mandate from a defunct Council, coupled with blatant violations of the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) as amended, together with a certain voodoo priest, who doubled as his Finance Officer (FO), Theophilus Ackorlie, and some other persons who showed no respect for the laws of this country, and as a result, were given the marching off orders from UEW, to return to their previous positions at UEW. This is to be accompanied by violence with the aid of hired thugs.

Afenyo-Markin made it clear at the said meeting that he had secured the support of officials of the Municipal and Regional Police Commands, expecting them to turn a blind eye to his unpatriotic and unconstitutional actions, just as he was able to influence the Municipal Police Command to provide security for the hoodlums who destroyed both private and public property during the March 2019 demonstrations that led to the closure of UEW.

I am fully aware of the plan hatched by Afenyo-Markin, together with his zombies and some unprofessional Police Officers in Winneba, to plant evidence on me and shamefully arrest me. I am patiently waiting!

In addition, Afenyo-Markin directed the NPP Constituency Secretary to write to the VC of UEW, Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, warning him to refrain from making Afenyo-Markin more unpopular among the Effutu electorate.

Afenyo-Markin went on to explain how he was going to get some Trade Union leaders at UEW to issue statements condemning the VC and serving a vote of no confidence in him.

One wonders what has happened to the suits which Afenyo-Markin and his new found buddies filed against UEW at the Cape Coast High Court 2. These are the same people who claimed that the Winneba High Court, wasn’t up to the task, and so went all the way to Cape Coast. Now, after several joinder applications by Afenyo-Markin and his clients that delayed putting initial finality to the case, ruling is now set for Tuesday 30th July, 2019. If Afenyo-Markin and his financiers believe that they have a good case grounded in law, why are they not chilling with beer and kebab at the Run-Off Restaurant near Winneba Junction, in anticipation of victory on 30th July, 2019?

It is no longer a secret that the very people Afenyo-Markin contracted to go and offer GHS 5million to Dr. James Kofi Annan to entice him to abandon his ambition of contesting as an Independent Parliamentary Candidate in 2020, are now spreading that information like June rain! What a pity!
Afenyo-Markin is on record to have described Dr. James Kofi Annan as a busybody, so why attempt bribing a busybody with GHS 5million? A vivid demonstration of Afenyo-Markin’s lack of conscience and principles!

So, an NPP Constituency Chairman who was going round the campuses of UEW on March 12th, 13th and 14th 2019, distributing ill-gotten money to some thugs and vandals, and urging same to destroy both private and public property, does not constitute a blot on the image of the NPP in the eyes of Afenyo-Markin and his colleague nation-wreckers? No problem!
This same NPP Constituency Chairman had the temerity to openly declare at the central campus of UEW, immediately after the closure of the university on 14th March, 2019, that the destruction wasn’t enough!

Like several others, I am beginning to wonder if I made sacrifices to help bring the NPP to power for Afenyo-Markin to be given a free hand to destroy my employer and throw the destiny of millions of Ghanaian students into jeopardy, through his selfish and thoughtless scheming with the very people at the helm of affairs at UEW in 2016, who denied then Presidential Candidate of the NPP, Nana Akufo-Addo and his running mate Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, access to the Anamuah-Mensah Conference Centre and the Liberation Square for campaign purposes.

Let me assure Afenyo-Markin that if he and his men dare set foot at UEW next week with the aim of creating chaos, they will be resisted by peace loving and stronger men.

It is pitiful that Afenyo-Markin is being allowed to cause such havoc in our beautiful GHANA!!

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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