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Allotey Jacobs Thinks Of His Belly – Mustapha Umar Copson Writes

It saddens my heart to see once a fine gentleman had allowed himself to be used as a vessel of propaganda and equalisation machine by the NPP.

I am tempted to believe Allotey Jacobs has stop using his brain hence using his stomach in his newly acquired status on radio as a so-called social commentator.

Mr Allotey Jacobs was a fine communicator who will truly preach, analyse and contribute positively to the development of our dear nation Ghana but today has allowed himself to be fed by the NPP and made a pet therefore heeding to all what he (Allotey Jacobs) has been asked to do by his paymasters NPP.

Corruption has become an Oxygen to Akufo Addo and his greedy corrupt appointees of which they breath hence when corruption ceases the NPP dies.

Akufo Addo is the most corrupt President in the 4th republic says Mr Vitus Azeem,Osafo Marfo who is part of the Akyem mafias and the senior minister of this government has said corruption has choke this government.

Franklin Cudjoe said corruption under Akufo Addo has worsened.
Manasseh Azure Awuni said if you present President Akufo Addo and his excellency John Dramani Mahama to Madam Rebecca Akufo Addo (First Lady) to choose the incorruptible one, she will most definitely choose John Mahama, National House of Chiefs,Rev.Opuni Frimpong,Dr.Fred Dzeny(Suspended Eastern Regional Director of BNI)etc are all social activists and professionals who has rise to condemn and made various comments against the detoriating Corruption under this Corruption accomodating President but yet again uncle Allotey for your stomach sake you won’t be able to see it as the ordinary Ghanaian sees it.

Dr Wireku Brobbey,Mr Arthur Kennedy,Dr Nyahoyaho Tamakloe, Kennedy Agyapong, Richard Nuamah,Kwame Asare Obeng(A-plus) etc are all NPP activist and some founding fathers had all come out to nail the President as an anchor of Corruption and yet Allotey for the sake of your stomach and selfishness you have turned a blind eye to the many walking example of Akufo Addo and his appointees that has basically turn Corruption into a barton relay from one institution to the other and has subjected Ghanaians to this untold hardships as a result.

Today I can personally count about 105 scandals that has been perpetuated by this clueless but tribally nepotistic government starting with President Akufo Addo himself who almost stole from this country to the tune of USD800m in the mitilanious Ameri Deal but for the vigilance of the minority that contract was abrogated. The President assented and executively approved such a thievery who(Prez.Akufo Addo) only came out to say he was misled,Frances Essiam(CEO-GCMC) increased her salary by 400% without recourse to Parliamentary act,Gifty Klenam and his deputy Eric Twum(Ghana Export Promotion) increased their salaries without recourse to legislative act,Kwame Owusu the 13 airconditioner man,GhC50m for npp’s conference in Cape Coast,GRA rent scandals,800k for website by Mavis Hawa Koomson,Australian Visa Fraud,The PPA scandal,Cash for seat,NYA,page 138 and 139 of the CHRAJ report indicted Ken Ofori Atta(Finance Minister and cousin to the President) for ignoring parliament in the USD2.25bn stinking kenbond etc and as citizen as Allotey Jacobs is, he couldn’t deduce anything out of this with his thinking ability but of course he has decided to eat not to think.

In all of this it’s factually recognised that Centre for Democratic Development (CDD) has come out with a report that said Ghana has lost Ghc9.6bn through Corruption in 2017 alone.
Again uncle couldn’t have know this for he is busy filling his belly.

Uncle Allotey dignity and reputation they say is priceless and man does not live by bread alone so stop the act of gold digging because you think the NPP is in power today so the NDC is of no use to you. I trust you are learned enough to know power is transient hence be careful how you sell the little reputation you have left.

Moreover, the hardship and declined in the capital investment only shows that monies have been syphoned by the Akufo Addo NPP even though the NPP government is Ghc210bn richer so far but with very little development to show.

There’s been a dynasty of Corruption in this NPP administration with convoluted theories and Allotey Jacobs has finally lost his voice to stand against the people that is because he is a direct beneficiary of it.

God save Ghana from traitors and stomach motivated folks like uncle Allotey Jacobs and encourage the right thinking citizens of mother Ghana to stand against the scheme agenda of the NPP to enrich themselves through Corruption.


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