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Coup Plot Against Independent Candidate …As Duker, Tarkwa-Nsuaem MCE Attack & Deface Joycelyn Andoh’s Billboards

Madam Joy Joycelyn Andoh, the only female aspiring Member of Parliament (MP) for the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Constituency and an independent candidate is facing stiff resistance from some elements of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) who are hell-bent on scuttling her chances of winning the seat.

This paper can report that the independent candidate who has gained grounds and massive support from the people of her constituency is being considered a stumbling block to the fortunes of the incumbent MP, Hon George Mireku Duker, hence her campaign billboards and posters mounted within Nsuaem community and its environs have been defaced, pulled down and destroyed by some unknown persons known to be members of George Mireku Duker’s campaign team.

This development is purported to have been done to appease some elements within the Party in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem constituency, and by extension, the sitting Member of Parliament, as the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, tours some parts of the Western Region, with much emphasis on the low visibility of the Mireku Duker in the constituency.

This paper has gathered that as the unfortunate incident was going on, there was an assault on a bystander who attempted to prevail on the perpetrators to stop defacing Joy Joycelyn Andoh’s billboards.

The disturbing act was described by Joy Joycelyn Andoh’s campaign team as “criminal, cowardly, intimidatory, and a failed attempt to stoke violence and disrupt the peaceful atmosphere in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Constituency.”

In a statement issued by her Communications Directorate, they noted that Tarkwa-Nsuaem Constituency has enjoyed peace over the years since the country returned to democratic rule in 1992, but the actions by George Duker and his gang is gradually taking the constituency into a rather unpleasant situation that would see violence ahead of the elections.

According to the statement, “Politics is a contest of ideas and not violence. We eschew any form of violence or intimidation just to attain a political advantage. Let us know from these acts the candidates who have the interest of the constituents at heart.”

The team also called on the Regional Divisional Police Command to ensure that the perpetrators of this crime are brought to justice.

“We would like to assure all well-meaning constituents and the growing supporters of Madam Joy Joycelyn Andoh to remain calm as we seek all the legal avenues necessary to redeem the cost of the damage caused.  Madam Joy Joycelyn Andoh remains resolute and more than ever determined to rescue the good people of Tarkwa-Nsuaem Constituency from the years of neglect and development stagnation brought by years of voting for one particular political party.”

Meanwhile, further probe into developments in the constituency revealed that, the unfortunate development was launched by the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of Tarkwa-Nsuaem, Benjamin Kessie even though the independent candidate, Joy Joycelyn Andoh has all requisite permits to erect her banners and posters ate the various locations.

The Development Permit; Temporal Structure/Advertising Board was signed and issued to Rex Designs by the Physical Planning Officer and the Works Engineer, Ashmond Baffoe and Maxwell Obeng-Mensah respectively of the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipal Assembly.

The Permit is an approval from the Assembly to erect temporal structure, thus advertising board attached to certain conditions which the advertiser duly met.

The conditions attached to the permit however states that, “This development permit does not relieve the applicant from the necessity of compliance with any building regulations for the time being in force in the Planning Area. If development is not completed within the time, application for renewal must be made to the Special Planning Committee. Thus development permit does not imply or confirms the right or title of the applicant to the land or building comprised herein and permit granted is renewable every one year.”

Also, the applicant, Rex Designs for (Joy Joycelyn Andoh) was to erect the banners and posters at Sampa near Football Park, Nsuem opposite police station, Bogoso junction next to rail line crossing and UMAT before rail line crossing.

Information received was that, the MCE decided to launch the attack on the independent candidate because the MP, George Duker’s visibility in the constituency is poor and would give Joy Joycelyn Andoh an urge over the MP in the coming elections.

Meanwhile, residents have licked against the development and confirmed their commitment towards Joy Joycelyn Andoh’s campaign.



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