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Greater Accra Zabarma Palace Resume Work – Urged Ghanaians To Adhere To COVID-19 Protocols

The Greater Accra Zabarma Chief’s Palace under the leadership of Sarki Pro-Umar Tanko Abubakar has resume work at the palace after a month of break.

Meeting was held by the Chief with his cabinet members to outlined activities for the year 2021.

The cabinet members were tasked to be proactive in the discharge of their duties for the betterment of the Zabarma and Zango communities in the Greater Accra Region and beyond.

In a press statement signed by the Sadauna of the Palace, Alhaji Abdul Razak Musah revealed that the palace will operate from 8am to 11am from Monday to Thursday and 8am to 10am on Friday due to COVID-19 out break .

The Palace assure persons who send letters and requests to the palace Secretariat that their issues will be address in due time and expressed it gratitude to the Zabarma communities in Accra for their understanding and support during the break.

Furthermore, the Greater Accra Zabarma Chief, Alhaji Pro-Umar Tanko Abubakar in the statement admonished Ghanaians to continue to adhere to COVID-19 protocols and also listen to health workers advice in order to avoid coming into contact with the 2nd wave of the infections.

He said the country continues to record increase trend in numbers of daily COVID-19 positives active cases and deaths, this he believes with wearing of nose masks, washing of hands with soap under clean running water, using of hand sanitizer periodically and avoiding crowded places will help mitigating the further spread of the 2nd wave infection.

For further information call 0241893222

Source: Muhammed Faisal Mustapha

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