

The Gbese Jaasetse and Principal Kingmaker of the Gbese Stool on behalf of the Gbese Jaase, Nii Okay Kasablofo has declared the Installation performed for Millicent Naa Ayikailey Okai as Gbese Mahye (Queen Mother) or acting Gbese Mahye, Osa Manye as null and void.

Making reference to the installation performed for Millicent Naa Ayikailey Okai as Gbese Manye ‘Shuonotalor or acting Gbese Manye, Osa Manye I including all the rituals which were posted in the Facebook and on other channels on the internet on Friday, 18th and Saturday, 19th February, 2022 respectively the Jaase further declared them null and void without any merit and legal effect.

At a press conference in Accra on April 5, 2022, the Gbese Jaasetse and Principal Kingmaker stated that so-called Acting Gbese Manye, Osa Manye I, was a couple of years ago installed as the Gbese Noryaa Manye with the Stool name Naa Ayikailey Adiagba I, and is only recognize as such and nothing else adding that she is only known by the title Gbese Noryaa Manye

The accredited Gbese Jaase stated categorically clear that they are duly aware that the accredited incumbent Gbese Manye, Naa Ayikailey Naa
Noben I is with ageing syndrome and that, if any Gbese indigene is to be recommended, installed and outdoored as the acting Gbese Manye, the accredited Gbese Jaase membership must be consulted, endorse and approve such candidate in a legitimate manner for a due process to be carried out in order to avoid conflicts or misunderstanding but not to resort to lawlessness.

“It was also indicated further that one Naa Ablade, Sukula Manye deceived and misled the incumbent Gbese Manye Naa Ayikailey Naa Noben I, to unknowingly and cunningly agree to permit these so-called rituals to be performed on Millicent Naa Ayikailey Okai, the Gbese Noryaa Manye and at the
same time the so-called Acting Gbese Manye who styles herself as Naa Okailey
Osa Manye l” the Jaase revealed.

According to him he has taken a serious view of the misconduct of Naa Ablade, Sukula Manye, and others including Nuumo Okai Korle Wulomo, Naa Ayikailey Naa Noben I, the incumbent Gbese Manye, Bismark Doku Nettey (a.ka. Doku Mallam), Tetteh Alimo (a.k.a. Otseame
Alimo), Thomas Tawiah Botchway (a.k.a. Paa Tee) and Nii Armah Botchway for deception and gross disrespect to the Gbese Stool and the Gbese Jaase entire membership.

The above mentioned names he said failed to check with the accredited Gbese Jaase (Kingmakers) for a common approval and unanimous endorsement of Millicent Naa Ayikailey Okai as Gbese Manye ‘Shuonotalor’ or acting Gbese Manye with the name of Osa Manye I before her confinement and installation.

The action and inaction of Naa Avikailey Okai he said demonstrated an act of disrespect and indictment on the Gbese Stool and the accredited Gbese Jaase membership which she deserves to be sanctioned and punitive or retaliatory measures taken against her.

The accredited Gbese Jaase re stated and emphasize in what he described as ambiguous terms that with retroactive effect from 21st February, 2022 Naa Ayikailey Adiagba I, Gbese Noryaa Manye, and so-called Acting Gbese Manye Gbese Manye ‘Shuonotalor’ has been stripped naked without any malice of her SO-called dual capacity titles and that she should NOT under any circumstances parade herself as such, otherwise the accredited Gbese Jaase shall take deterrent action on her by pursuing the case at a court of competent jurisdiction.

“Secondly, Nuumo Okai I, Korle Wulomo, Naa Ayikailey Naa Noben I, Gbese Manye, Millicent Naa Ayikailey Okai (Gbese Noryaa Manye), Bismark Doku Nettey (a.k.a. Doku Mallam), Tetteh Alimo (a.k.a. Otseame Alimo), Thomas Tawiah Botchway (a.k.a. Paa Tee) and Nii Armah Botchway are just ordinary persons at Gbese with no known capacity and that they are neither members of the accredited Gbese Jaase nor the Gbese Jaase Kingmakers” he noted.

“Therefore, all the so-called rituals that were performed have been declared vexatious, detestable, null and void and that the necessary legal steps would
be taken against them and their cohorts as a deterrent to serve as an eye opener in order to deter other persons from embarking on this illegitimate footpath so as to bring peace and tranquility to the Gbese State vis-à-vis Ga Mashi” he added.

According to him, the accredited Gbese Jaase Kingmakers know and only recognize Naa Ayikailey Naa Noben I as the Gbese Manye and she has no mandate or authority to select someone to act in her position or on her behalf without the consent or knowledge of the Gbese Jaase Kingmakers adding that he Kingship throne is not her bona fide property whatsoever but for the Gbese Stool and its people.

He stated that the incumbent Gbese Manye, should have interacted indoors with the Gbese Jaase Kingmakers incuding Nii Ayi-Bonte I Gbese Mantse and Adonten of the Ga State for the decision on the Gbese Manye “Shuonotalor’ (Acting position) affairs for advice, guidance and approval.

He said all those participants in the illegal processes are not the Kingmakers of the Gbese Stool and cannot and never be part of the Kingmakers of the Gbese Kingship throne, and that, all they have done are against traditional or customary practices and norms, and therefore have been declared null and void adding that she cannot use unilateral or discretionary powers to do that as it constitutes ultra vires.

“It is worth to know that the candidate or person, (Naa Ayikailey Naa Noben I the incumbent Gbese Manye) selected as the acting Gbese Manye with the stool name Osa Manye I (known in private life as Millicent Naa Ayikailey Okai, the ex- Gbese Noryaa Manye) does not hail from Nii Tetteh Ankamah We, and that the actors or players in the installation and outdooring processes are not the accredited Kingmakers of the Gbese Stool, and are even disqualified and forbidden to hold any Kingship titles in Gbese.

The Gbese Jaase therefore wishes to re-echo that it has nullified and made voided all that have been done and that the perpetrators will be brought to book and to face a court of competent jurisdiction and to bring peace to the Gbese State.

The Gbese Jaase is therefore sounding this warning to the general public and the world at large NOT to deal or transact any business or relate in any uncivilized manner with the so-called Naa Ayikailey Adiagba l, ex-Gbese Noryaa Manye, (a. k. a Millicent Naa Ayikailey Okai) and currently parading as the acting Gbese Manye with the name Osa Manye l.

“In another vein, the above-mentioned ex-Gbese Noryaa Manye, may style
herself again as Naa Okailey Osa Manye I, acting Gbese Manye or as the Gbese Manye ‘shuonotalor'” he noted.

He called on the general public to be aware that the double capacity titles she is claiming for, have been buried in the mud and that she has no Locus in any manner whatsoever and that all recognition, protocols, courtesies and privileges by traditional authorities have been withdrawn with immediate effect.

He further called on the general public to take note that, she is declared persona non grata in the Gbese chieftainship throne as well as the royal courts of Gbese and that she has no locus standi.

“With reference to the aforementioned, all her Kingship titles Osa Manyel and Gbese Noryaa Manye have been withdrawn with retroactive effect from 21st February, 2022, and at the sametime, her two titles have been stripped from her and that she cannot parade as a ROYAL again for and on behalf of the Gbese Stool under any circumstances whatsoever.

Source: Muhammed Faisal Mustapha

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