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According to the Minister, Mr Mantey’s bank account with the National Investment Bank (NIB) was used as a conduit in the “unlawful” sale of the excavators.

The journalist was, however, arrested in October 2019.

“In the course of the investigations, Mr Mantey confessed that he was contracted by Mr John Ofori-Atta, then National Security Coordinator for the Central Region, and Mr Ekow Ewusi to use his Bank Account at the National Investment Bank for what effectively was money laundering,” Prof. Frimpong-Boateng said in his letter to the CID.

“The proceeds from the excavator sales were lodged in Seth Mantey’s bank account.”

The money was said to have been later cashed and shared between John Ofori-Atta and Ekow Ewusi, who is under investigations for some missing excavators.

“I wish to appeal to the police authorities to investigate the matter,” the letter concluded.

Source: 3news.com

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