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Ken Agyapong Cautioned To Behave Himself

The self-ordained spokesperson-cum-lead counsel for ‘bent’ politicians, and Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin Central, Ken Agyapong, whose trademark is to sprint with lightning speed to defend his corrupt colleagues, is cautioned to watch his utterances with regards to dragging my name into his non-factual rantings.

Ken is reported to have unguardedly mentioned my name in a so-called ‘Boiling Point Programme’ on his makeshift radio station.
Ken should be told in no uncertain terms that if he wishes to allow others to push him into spewing out garbage, I will not take it lying down.

It is very unfortunate that Ken should accuse others of running down Afenyo-Markin. Where has Ken Agyapong been all this while when his friend Afenyo-Markin engaged in a number of disturbances at the University of Education, Winneba (UEW)? Why hasn’t Ken been able to call a Afenyo-Markin to order, if indeed Ken is truly the man of fairness and justice that he claims to be? Or is this a classic case of selective memory?

Fact is that Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin, the outgoing MP for Effutu and disastrous Board Chairman of the Ghana Water Co. Ltd. (GWCL), is not being rundown by anyone. Any right thinking member of society, who has followed events at UEW in the last 2 years, would attest to the fact that Afenyo-Markin is the creator of whatever situation he currently finds himself in.

Afenyo-Markin started the instability at UEW by instigating and spearheading the removal of the then Vice-Chancellor (VC), Prof. Mawutor Avoke, in July, 2017, and the subsequent assumption of office by Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, as the Acting VC, and following the dismissal of Prof. Avoke by the UEW Governing Council in 2018, appointed substantive VC, and inducted into office in the presence of the President of the Republic, His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo.

Immediately after Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni was appointed the substantive VC, Afenyo-Markin started making unreasonable demands on UEW.
I have evidence of some of these unreasonable demands of Afenyo-Markin he directed at Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni. My impeccable evidence is from the numerous chats between Afenyo-Markin and my good self just before UEW was shut down on 14th March, 2019. It is no secret that the March disturbances at UEW arose out of the actions of a known individual, who doesn’t care if the whole of Ghana burns down to pave way for him to achieve his selfish agenda.

Afenyo-Markin is on record to have confessed on several media platforms that he engineered Prof. Avoke’s removal from office as VC, and has belatedly realized his thoughtlessness in undertaking such an exercise. Afenyo-Markin then made it clear that he was determined to remove Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni from office and reinstate Prof. Avoke. Several unconstitutional actions, then followed.

One of such unconstitutional actions relates to a sponsored students’ demonstration that failed to meet its objective of removing Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni from office as VC. This demonstration did not satisfy the requirements of the Public Order Act, 1994, (Act 491).

Next comes the abortive coup on 23rd July, 2019, led by Prof. Avoke, to forcefully remove Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni from office and take over UEW, on the unreasonable and ill-thought out idea of reinstating himself.
Prof. Avoke, in apologizing to the Hon. Minister of Education, Mathew Opoku Prempeh a few months ago, acknowledged to have been naive in leading this childish and unlawful act. Afenyo-Markin is alleged to have masterminded this shameful and failed operation!

In addition, Afenyo-Markin proceeded to submit a petition to the Auditor General to investigate the VC of UEW, on the basis of some imagined illegal payments.

Dawda Eric, a then frustrated and unemployed graduate, and now by courtesy of Afenyo-Markin, a staff of GWCL based at Weija, also petitioned the Office of Special Prosecutor (OSP), to investigate the same Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, on basically the same issues Afenyo-Markin had earlier petitioned the Auditor General to investigate.

Not satisfied with all the above fetters directed at Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, by Afenyo-Markin and his associates, UEW, within the last six months, has been saddled with fifteen lawsuits, all of which have the fingerprints of Afenyo-Markin!

The above are just a fraction of what Afenyo-Markin is doing to my employer (UEW), where Afenyo-Markin has no role whatsoever in the running of the university.
Afenyo-Markin’s intention appears to be geared towards collapsing UEW, which in turn, would lead to me losing my source of income, hence my decision to take on Afenyo-Markin head-on.
For, if Afenyo-Markin, who has no official role in the management of UEW can procure UEW pay vouchers (PVs) and splash them in the media, in order to score cheap political points and make Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni appear as a corrupt public officer in the eyes of the public, and the whole world is silent, then what stops me from breaching Afenyo-Markin’s defense line at GWCL, and prove to the world at large that Afenyo-Markin is after all, not that clean as he claims, hence my petition to the OSP.

Wherein lies the assertion of Ken Agyapong that I, Alhassan Salifu Bawah, the unfazed son of the upright peasant farmer, is being pushed by the Catholic Priest to rundown Afenyo-Markin? What has Ken Agyapong done to stop Afenyo-Markin’s illegal and unnecessary intrusions into the affairs of UEW?

If Ken Agyapong wants to continue enjoying his supposed wealth peacefully, as he appears to be, then he should stay off the firing line between Afenyo-Markin and I, otherwise he is more likely to get worst stingers than little Afenyo-Markin.

I don’t see Ken Agyapong to have even a pesewa, because he doesn’t feed me, neither does he know where I breathe from, so I admonish Ken Agyapong to watch his tongue.

I am aware that hit men can be hired to kill me, but I am not the type who is afraid of death.

Am most grateful to former President John Dramani Mahama, for granting UEW financial clearance in 2014, that paved the way for me to be recruited as a lecturer at UEW on 1st August, 2014.
It is highly likely that if I had been recruited as a lecturer during the reign of a New Patriotic Party (NPP) government, it is foreseeable that some dishonest and corrupt politicians of the ruling NPP, who are owing almost every commercial bank in Ghana, and being shielded by Parliamentary Immunity for the time being, would have made baseless claims that they paid my fees at school, and even got me employed at UEW on protocol basis, and thereby engineer my dismissal.

It has been reported elsewhere that Afenyo-Markin’s brother, Daniel Markin, is ‘terrorizing’ residents of Otinibi, a suburb of Accra, by forcefully taking over their lands. Right thinking members of society expect the self-styled ‘man of justice’, Ken Agyapong, to go all out and defend these defenseless Ghanaians.
A similar fate was meted out to some students of UEW a couple of weeks ago, when some members of the NPP Effutu Constituency Executive, pulled down a hostel they were residing in, thus rendering the said students, homeless. The hostel fees they paid was never refunded to them!

President Nana Akufo-Addo ought to call some of these so-called untouchables in the NPP to order, before they destroy the image of the party completely. Fact is, it is not only the two votes of these loudmouths that brought the NPP to power. However, the actions and behaviour of these two amigos, could cost the NPP in the not too distant future!

If Ken Agyapong is having sleepless nights because of my exposé of the ‘nocturnal’ activities of Afenyo-Markin, then I assure him that he will have both sleepless nights and days when I take him on.

I urge those ladies who have been hired to come to UEW to specifically entrap some of us, to quicken up. I hope they fit the description of the true and proper African lady propounded by Daddy Lumba. I have already reserved a Presidential Suite at Markin Hotel, Winneba, in anticipation of the arrival of these jewels. I hope they go beyond just mere conversation as was the case in the two lecturers of the University of Ghana, captured in the BBC disappointing documentary. I entreat these ladies to do it the ‘Anas way’ by capturing me in particular, live, in action!!

I wish to reiterate to Dawda Eric and the failed lawyer sponsoring Dawda’s ignorant petitions that am still at post at UEW as a lecturer, so there is the need to intensify their petitions. The ONLY petition that can move me, is a petition to Allah, and NOTHING else!!!
Insha Allah, Afenyo-Markin and Ken Agyapong can NEVER win against me!

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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