Local News

Just One Petition, And Afenyo-Markin Is Restless?

The outcome of petitions to investigative bodies, is NEITHER decided by the media, threats of court actions, open denials NOR visits to former Presidents!!

When Afenyo-Markin and his errand boy, the then unemployed Dawda Eric (as a result of jobs for the boys, now a staff of GWCL, Weija) and others petitioned the Auditor General and Office of Special Prosecutor (OSP) respectively to investigate the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni in the recent past, did the VC mount a media campaign to deny the said allegations contained in Afenyo-Markin and his foot soldiers’ error laden petitions? The English language in those petitions was awful!!! And Afenyo-Markin claims to be a lawyer?
It is apparent that the accusations of nepotism leveled against the VC of UEW by Afenyo-Markin, is always a replay of what he Afenyo-Markin is practicing at Ghana Water Co. Ltd. (GWCL), thus jobs for friends and family. This is hypocrisy at its zenith!!

It was also reported last week that Management of GWCL, was threatening to sue me! What a pity! How can people who are supposed to be better educated than Afenyo-Markin allow themselves to be misled ‘big time’ by Afenyo-Markin?
Afenyo-Markin’s trademark, is to stay behind the scenes and deceive others into taking regrettable actions. Please consult Prof. Mawutor Avoke for first hand account.

Anyone disputing the facts contained in my petition to the Office of Special Prosecutor (OSP), should rather concentrate on providing contrary incontrovertible evidence to the OSP, and not denials in the media.

When Afenyo-Markin fabricates stories against UEW for publication, he expects journalists to publish such misleading stories with the speed of light, under false names as usual. He pays huge sums of money to some hungry journalists who run at such opportunity. A few months ago, Afenyo-Markin is alleged to have paid GHS50,000 to one such journalist and his colleague!

However, Afenyo-Markin sees criticism directed at him as unwholesome. What a classic paradox? This is a small boy, who, when given the least opportunity on any media platform, berates the VC of UEW for no apparent reason. Instead of planning and strategizing on how to help UEW move forward, Afenyo-Markin is always at a loss as to why the university is not developing his constituency. Sober reflection will reveal clearly that UEW is already giving thousands if not millions of Ghana Cedis to the Winneba community by way of jobs, rents, booming sales and taxi business, etc.

Since Afenyo-Markin is moving heaven and earth to block my views from being published in the Ghanaian media, I expect him to threaten YouTube with a lawsuit, just as he goes about threatening Top FM, Neat FM, and other online portals, when I start uploading my made in Winneba videos on that platform.

If Afenyo-Markin is bereft of ideas as to how to develop his constituency, then he should emulate the decisions of respected Members of Parliament (MPs) like Hon. Alhaji Inusah Fuseini, by not seeking re-election. If not, a humiliation await him at the Parliamentary elections in 2020, Insha Allah!

Credible information indicates that pressure was mounted on the GWCL Union towards the end of last week to issue a statement condemning my petition to the OSP. What an exercise in futility!! This cannot stop the Hon. Martin Amidu from proceeding with investigations into that over-bloated contract awarded to Intermec (Gh) Ltd. by GWCL, which was signed on 12th January, 2018 (and not in 2016 or 2017 as Afenyo-Markin has contradicted himself on many occasions in his usual media rantings).

With or without the attempt to cast doubt on my petition to the OSP, investigations into the award of contracts at GWCL will proceed. Why is Afenyo-Markin afraid of this investigation?

Anyone who disagrees with 12th January, 2018, as the date that the agreement was signed between GWCL and Intermec (Gh) Ltd. for the supply and installation of transport pump control panel and additional items in respect of Takoradi pump house at Inchaban headworks, at over GHS 14million, should reserve their answers for the OSP, and STOP the pathetic media denials!!

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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