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The Licensed Surveyors Association of Ghana (LISAG) , has engaged the media over the outcome of the association’s seminar and General meeting held in Accra on October 9 to 10, 2019 on the Theme : “Land Ownership And Registration: Role of the Licensed Surveyor”.

Addressing the media, the President of the Association ,Lic. Surv. Kwame Tenadu Snr, stated that the seminar forms part of the association’s desire to contribute its quota towards the achievement of the Ghana government’s policy objective of ‘Ghana Beyond Aid’ in the land sector.

He said there was the need for the Association to adopt a local strategy and mobilise workforce to mitigate the needless incidents of land disputes and years of trials and expensive adventure of relying largely on foreign advise and borrowed capital for land reforms in the country.

The unethical behavior, disproportional representation of Licensed Surveyors across the regions, litigation, ignorance, inaccurate survey plans among others affect security of land ownership and the quality of land registration in Ghana.

He added that the presentation further underscored the pivotal role of Licensed Surveyors in finding solutions to the needless incidents of land ownership dispute in Ghana.

He revealed that participants of the Maiden LISAG Seminar 2019 made recommendations and conclusion which include enforcement of laws and regulations, Complying with the professional ethics, Elimination of quacks and protection of its clients/public, Fronting for nonprofessionals and Land guards.

Others are, Survey of public and vested lands, Survey and registration of allodial boundaries, Judgment plans, assigning Surveyors to MMDA’s and preparation of local plans.

Lic. Surv. Kwame Tenadu Snr Stated further stated that despite considerable improvement in techniques and advancement of surveys as well as availability of more qualified Surveyors than before, security of land ownership and the quality land registration system are affected by inaccurate survey plan.

This , he said the Licensed Surveyor cannot be ignore in the quest to find solutions to these problems.

“Licensed Surveyors Association (LISAG) will lead the crusade to collaborate with the Lands Commission, Government and other stakeholders in the land sector to eliminate this national canker” he noted.

Source: Muhammed Faisal Mustapha

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