
NDC Unleash Thugs To Shoot During Health Walk – Ketu South NPP Chairman Reveals

The First Vice Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in Ketu South, Daniel Akpaloo has condemned the political tension being created in the constituency by the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

According to him, during the NDC’s Health Walk last week in the Ketu South Municipality, some elements of the NDC went on rampage and started shooting in the air at one of the restaurants which belong to one of the NDC activist.

Speaking in an interview, Daniel Akpaloo indicated that the incident occurred when members of the NDC wrapped up their health walk.

“We are telling them that, if this pattern of destabilizing behavior continues, I think there is great opportunity for all of us to take actions, short of armed conflicts so that we can avoid the worse.”

He noted that the NDC Parliamentary candidate, Abla Dzifa Gomashie is also inciting her party members to go to the streets and shoot in the with the aim of creating tension in the area and scare people from coming out to vote on Monday.

He described the acts as a “harsh political violence,” and that the reckless manner by which the NDC candidate is going about her campaign has been anticipated.

He said: “They must stop those belligerent acts and comply with the electoral laws of this country,” adding that Abla Dzifa Gomashie, who is contesting on the ticket of the NDC in Ketu South is attempting to drive a wedge between political parties and destroy the unity that is existing in the constituency among all political parties.

Daniel Akpaloo therefore called on security agencies to be on high alert on election day in Ketu South to avoid any disturbances so as to maintain an atmosphere of peace during the election.


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