Local News

Okushibiade Chief Takes Over Family Land & Destroys Gov’t Properties

The Chief of Okushibiade, a suburb of Greater Accra, has flouted a Ruling delivered by an Accra High Court over the Okushibiade family land and continues to sell the said family land without the consent of all Heads and Principal members of the family.

The Chief, Nii Ayi Kwao II who is alleged to be using land guards for his operations is grading vast portions of the family land with the help of his gang of alleged land guards, to sell to an unsuspecting public.

Sources alleged that the Chief has been engaging Asafoatse Ayi, Ayi Onukpa, Lartey Sentse, Jojo, Ayi Ray and Laryea Kwao to intimidate and harass people on the said land to enable him have his way.

According to information available, Nii Ayi Kwao II in 2015 filed a Writ at the High Court against Nii Jonathan Laryea Boye (Okushibiade Dzasetse) and Oshipi Akwei for challenging him over the said land.

Nii Ayi Kwao II in that Writ was seeking for an Order for Interlocutory Injunction to restrain the Defendants in the case (Nii Jonathan Laryea Boye and Oshipi Akwei), their agents, and assigns ad servants from further dealing with the land in question.

According to him in 2004, the Head of Nii Ayi Kawo family, Nii Lampteye Lamptey leased 1,112.00 Acres of land to him and the 1st Defendant (Nii Jonathan Laryea Boye) with the consent and concurrence of the Principal members of the family.

The Defendants in their submission also indicated that the family kicked against the grant made by the head of family Nii Lampteye Lamptey, hence the Indenture was not executed by the principal members of the family.

According to the Ruling delivered by Justice S. H, Ocran, Justice of the High Court, the Plaintiff cannot deal with the land without the consent and concurrence of some of the principal members of the family.

According to the Judgement, even though the head of the Nii Ayi Kawo family, Nii Lampteye Lamptey executed the lease and have even thumb printed it, “since principal members of the family did not sign, except the head of family alone who signed without any other person; and the 1st defendant who is one of the lessees says the family kicked against the grant made to them by the head of the family, I believe the family has the right to deal with the land but not the plaintiff.”

The Judge also declared that, “I, therefore, dismissed the application by the plaintiff.”

However, even though this judgment stated clearly that the Plaintiff, Nii Ayi Kawo has no authority over the land in issue, he continues to sell portions of the land without the consent of the principal members of the family.

He has recently, by the help of land guards, graded vast portions of the land in bid to sell it to an unsuspecting public.

In their action, they succeeded in pulling down and breaking electricity poles which transmit lights to the community and its surrounding villages and destroying nearby water bodies.

The allodia landowners are appealing to the authorities to intervene so as to prevent the increasing rate of land guard activities in the communities which is being spearheaded by Nii Ayi Kwao.

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