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Re-Introduce Learning Of Traditional, Cultural Practices Into School Curriculum – Priests Advocates

The Eyipasohen of the Ampiaw Koko Yogo Royal Family of Agona Nyakrom in the Central Region, Mr. Kwesi Ofori who is also Secretary to the family has advocated for the re-introduction of the teaching of traditional cultural practices and norms into the school curricular to enable the youth who are described as the future leaders better appreciate themselves as Ghanaians and as a people with a unique identity.

Speaking on behalf of the Head of the family, Ebusuapanin Kwame Nyarkoh during the celebration of their Yam Festival by the family to usher in the Annual Akwambo Festival of the town, Mr. Kwesi Ofori noted that the Ghanaian society is gradually losing focus by failing to educate and teach the youth about their culture, and as such the youth are also losing direction and adopting foreign way of life.

He blamed the situation on the sacrifice of traditional cultural practices on the altar of introduction of subjects that do not have any direct positive influence on the child.

He has therefore called on policy makers on education to consider this situation and re-introduce the teaching of traditional cultural practices into the school curriculum.

His call was buttressed by the Chief Priest of the Nana Kweku Dadzie Shrine in Agona Nyakrom, Okomfo Panin Efua Kakraba and Omankomfo of Agona Odoben who pointed out most people; especially the youth and pastors make all sorts of remarks about fetish priest, because they do not understand the worship.

According to both priest, these same people who condemn them come to them for spiritual powers for their church activities.

They refuted the claim held by some that pouring of libation is devilish, noting that it was the mode of worshiping God long before the introduction of the Bible in Africa by the Europeans.

The Yam Festival is first celebrated by the Yogo Royal Family of the town to usher the celebration of the Akwambo Festival before the other families.

Said to be the descendants of Boa Amponsem from Jukwa, the Yogo family were said to have first migrated to Agona in the Ashanti Region and later to their present place, Agona Nyakrom, through hunting.

By: Robert Ayanful

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