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Struggling And Desperate Afenyo-Markin Now A ‘Kenkey Factory’

The outgoing Member of Parliament (MP) for Effutu and failed Board Chairman of the Ghana Water Co. Ltd (GWCL), Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin, is now a ‘kenkey factory’.

With all the polls conducted in the constituency pointing to an undeniable and humiliating defeat for the “grace to grass” MP, it is not surprising that, Afenyo-Markin is now resorting to desperate acts in a failed bid to shore up his ever diminishing support base.

Afenyo-Markin’s latest act of desperation, could be likened to a drowning person, who in an attempt to survive, clings on to leaves on the river.

In a vain attempt to win some students of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) to bolster his stuttering, faltering and failed campaign, Afenyo-Markin has promised KENKEY to UEW students who join him in a so-called walk on Saturday 30th November, 2019!!!

A research commissioned by the outgoing MP for Effutu, Afenyo-Markin, aka radio lawyer, has confirmed that he has fallen short of the standards required to represent the good people of Effutu in Parliament from 7th January, 2021.

Since Afenyo-Markin has a short memory, it is appropriate to remind him little:
A couple of months ago for example, the NPP constituency Chairman in Effutu, personally led a bulldozer to raze down a hostel that some UEW students, were residing in. The students weren’t given any prior warning of this inhumane act, and some of the affected students, had to abandon lectures midway in order to rush back to the doomed hostel to retrieve their personal belongings. No refund of their hostel fees was made to them.
It was the university, and not the Afenyo Campaign Team that swiftly stepped in to salvage the situation. And Afenyo-Markin claims to have the interest of UEW students at heart? What a classic paradox!!

Afenyo-Markin is reminded that, a good number of the students of UEW are yet to settle their fees for the 2019/2020 academic year, so if Afenyo-Markin really has the interest of UEW students at heart, this is where he should direct his help and support. Little Afenyo, who claims to have established “one laptop one Effutu teacher” has no shame creating ‘one ball of kenkey one UEW student’.

The baby with very sharp teeth, who only a few months ago paid thugs to destroy government property at UEW and causing its shutdown and the huge inconveniences to students has soon forgotten about his evil acts and wants to walk with the same students with a promise of KENKEY? A Classic Paradox indeed!

By the way, most MPs I know have scholarships to support brilliant but needy students in their respective constituencies; where is Afenyo-Markin’s scholarship fund?

Serious MPs everywhere most often, put in systems to support education in their constituencies, either directly or indirectly.
For example, in November, 2019 (just last week), the MP for Kwadaso in the Kumasi metropolis, Hon. Dr. Nuamah, donated thirty (30) LED streetlight bulbs to the UEW College of Technology Education, Kumasi (COLTEK), to boost the security at the campus in order to further ensure the safety and well-being of the students.

In the recent past, the MP for Anyaa-Sowutuom in the Greater Accra Region, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hon. Shirley Ayorkor Botwe, donated twenty (20) LED streetlight bulbs to the Pentecost University College.

The NPP constituency Chairman, Mr Albert Sam, who stood in for the MP at the handing over ceremony indicated that, the lights were intended to protect the student populace and bring some safety to the members of the community. This is what responsible party Chairmen do, unlike some party Chairmen, who shamelessly go around destroying determined and hardworking students hostels!!

Furthermore, the Member of Parliament for Ayawaso West Wuogon in the Greater Accra Region, the Hon. Lydia Seyram Alhassan, also donated a car and two motorbikes to the University of Ghana, Legon (UG).

Hon Alhassan extended this gesture as part of measures to help the University of Ghana and the Ghana Police Service to beef up security on campus.

It must be pointed out that, the Hon. Lydia Alhassan, has been in Parliament for less than a year, while Afenyo-Markin has been in Parliament, since 2012! The question is, has Afenyo-Markin ever donated a handheld touch-light to UEW, as a token towards ensuring the safety of students of UEW in particular, and the university community in general? Afenyo-Markin is rather bent on causing unrest in UEW!!

It is therefore an insult to the students of UEW, for Afenyo-Markin to conclude that, the hardworking and resilient students of UEW, are only deserving to be invited to enjoy balls kenkey on Saturday 30th November, 2019.
One wonders what magic potions and concoctions that this particular ‘kenkey’ has been laced with!!

Afenyo-Markin hopelessly believes that, since his campaign train is in an advanced stage of derailment, enticing a section of the students of UEW with kenkey, would salvage the doomed campaign train.
I assure Afenyo-Markin and his associates that, absolutely NOTHING can stop his pitiful and shameful exit from Parliament, come 7th December, 2020! Insha Allah!!

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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