
The Failed Accountant & His Incompetent Lawyers

Bruno Bajuaose Chirani, a recent applicant for the position of Finance Officer (FO) of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), who performed abysmally at the interview, and as a matter of truthfulness, fairness, and law, was adjudged to fall woefully short of the standards required for the said position, classically failed again in his error-ridden petition to the Executive Director of the Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO), to investigate some allegations cooked and brewed in the voodoo kitchen of the outgoing Member of Parliament (MP) for Effutu, and failed Board Chairman of the Ghana Water Co. Ltd. (GWCL), Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin.

In paragraph 3 of this failed accountant petition, he stated that a payment of GHS 924,540.00 was made to Paa Badu Construction Ltd., “although no valid contract existed”.
What a shame!! So Bruno and his Lawyers also claim to have attended school? Bruno and his Lawyers can at best be described as educated illiterates!
The said payment formed part of a Ghana Education Trust Fund (GetFund) contract, of which the beneficiary institution, thus UEW, had no control over the award of that particular contract.
So Bruno, the disastrous Acting Finance Officer of UEW did not know this? If so, how can such a person be appointed a substantive Finance Officer of a large public university?

Under Bruno’s tragic headship of the finances of UEW, payments of staff contributions to credit unions and other staff welfare associations, were in arrears of 5 months. Under the stewardship of Theophilus Senyo Ackorlie as the head of finance of UEW, payments to credit unions and other staff welfare associations, were in arrears of only 2 months at worst!

So what can Bruno really boast of, that he did better than Ackorlie, and therefore, ought to have been appointed as substantive Finance Officer?

This failed accountant (Bruno), is claiming that the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of UEW, thus Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, and the Registrar, Surv. Paul Osei-Barimah, Esq., sent a delegation to him last week, pleading among several others that, he Bruno should withdraw his suit and the other frivolous and baseless petitions against the VC and the Registrar. This palpable lie has the fingerprints of Afenyo-Markin all over it.
It is public knowledge within the UEW community that, some concerned staff of the university decided to reason with Bruno to withdraw all his bad faith actions against the UEW management, with regards to his court actions and 2 petitions. This was an independent move.
The said concerned staff are all staff in the Finance Section of UEW, and are abreast with the implications and legality or otherwise of all the allegations leveled against the UEW management by Bruno.

My impeccable checks indicate that the VC was never at any material moment even aware of this INITIATIVE. It was after meeting Bruno on Friday 13th September, 2019, that the concerned staff attempted to brief the VC on what they had done, and to, among other things, plead that he welcome Bruno when the latter report to the former’s office. But they were unsuccessful in their bid to meet the VC since he was out of the office when they went there.
I am a Moslem, and I do hereby swear by my Quran that, the above narrative is the gospel truth. I challenge Bruno and Afenyo-Markin, who claim to be Roman Catholics, but sadly displaying symptoms and traits worse than those of Kwaku Bonsam, to swear the Bible that the VC and the Registrar triggered the said concerned staff meeting with Bruno.

Having rubbished Bruno’s claims above, the remainder of this write-up, will focus its lens on the failed MP of Effutu, Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin, who is allegedly behind all the frivolous and vexatious suits against UEW in the recent past.

Not a single town road in Winneba has been re-graveled or tarred, since the New Patriotic Party (NPP) took over the reigns of government in January 2017. Since the National Democratic Congress (NDC) government, under the leadership of John Mahama put asphalt on some of the Winneba town roads before exiting office, Afenyo-Markin has done absolutely NOTHING to continue from where the NDC left. The section of the road, right in front of the NPP Effutu Constituency office, is nothing but a disgrace to Afenyo-Markin, the outgoing MP.

Afenyo-Markin claims to be a Lawyer, but appears to be ignorant of the laws governing this country.
Order 7 Rule 1 of the HIGH COURT (CIVIL PROCEDURES) RULES, 2004 (CI 47) provides that: “A document which is required to be served on a person shall be served by a bailiff of the Court or a process server registered with the Court …” No where does the law make a provision that party thugs, headed by the driver of Afenyo-Markin, form part of the service process!!

Afenyo-Markin’s diabolic agenda to destabilize UEW, keep surfacing every second. It is clear that all the ‘selfish and greedy’ lawsuits instituted against UEW in the recent past, are the machinations of the evil Afenyo-Markin. Some of these pathetic suits include that of Kaakyire Frimpong Duku; Kingsley Amoakwaah, a thief who stole GHS 34,000 from the coffers of a local trade union at UEW; Bondzi Sey, an NPP foot soldier; Bruno Chirani, a failed accountant (concocted allegations); and just last week, Afenyo-Markin allegedly placed a phone call to Prof. Kagya-Agyemang, the former Ag. Pro-VC and Principal of UEW College of Agriculture Education, Asante-Mampong, inviting the Professor to his office to append his signature to a writ which he Afenyo-Markin had prepared already in respect of challenging the appointment of Prof. Ruby Hanson, as the new Ag. Pro-VC.
It is clear that, Afenyo-Markin preyed on the greed and selfishness of all the supposed claimants in all the suits filed against the University of Education, Winneba, since the beginning of 2019.

And rumour has it that Afenyo-Markin is penciled for nomination as a Minister by President Nana Akufo-Addo? Maybe a Minister in-charge of Failure & Other Corrupt Practices!!

Afenyo-Markin is advised to allow the law to take its course, with regards to the service of the rumoured face-saving lawsuit he filed against me. Apart from a bailiff accompanied by a Police Officer at the point of serving me the lawsuit, any other person accompanying the above named 2 Court Officers, would be deemed to pose a threat to my life.
The battle against the evil Afenyo-Markin continues unabated, with or without court action!!

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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