
The ‘Rejected’ NPP Constituency Chairman Of Council Of Elders, Now Chairman Of UENR Governing Council

Professor George Kankam, Dean of Graduate School, University of Education, Winneba (UEW), was in the early hours of Wednesday 25th March, 2020, sworn-in by the Minister of Education, Hon. Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh, together with some other worthy members, as the Chairman of the University of Energy & Natural Resources (UENR), Governing Council Chairman.

The academic prowess of Prof. Kankam in his subject area, is recognized worldwide.

However, due to the inordinate desire and misplaced agenda of the misfit Member of Parliament (MP) for Effutu, and calamitous Board Chairman of the Ghana Water Co. Ltd (GWCL), Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin, to dominate and control all affairs of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in Effutu, Prof. Kankam was unconstitutionally ‘removed’ as the Chairman of the Council of Elders.

This basically arose from the stand of Prof. Kankam against the outright and outrageous acts of this social misfit, parading as a Member of Parliament.

In order not to bore readers, a classic example of the unconstitutional acts of little Afenyo-Markin in the affairs of the NPP in Effutu, centers around the swearing-in of the elected TESCON Executives for the 2019/20 academic year. This function is solely the preserve of the Regional Executives of the NPP as spelt out under the NPP Constitution. However, Afenyo-Markin, who claims to be a lawyer, but whose actions in general points in the direction of possessing doubtful legal knowledge, if not non-existent legal knowledge, proceeded to swear-in the TESCON Executives. A clear and unambiguous constitutional violation!

A true and proper swearing-in ceremony was later carried out by the NPP Regional Executives, an event Prof. Kankam was invited to.

And Afenyo-Markin claims to be a lawyer? Definitely a radio lawyer, and not a real lawyer like Paa Kwesi Abaidoo, who is ‘beating the hell’ out of Afenyo-Markin from the Cape Coast High Court 2, to the Winneba High Court, through to the Court of Appeal and rounding matters up, at the Supreme Court.

It is surprising that, with all these defeats hanging around the neck of Afenyo-Markin like a sword of damocles , Afenyo-Markin still has the effrontery to stick out his empty head in a courtroom in Ghana. No wonder a school of thought has described Afenyo-Markin as shameless, for only a shameless person like the radio lawyer Afenyo-Markin, will suffer defeats and humiliations of this nature, and fail to needfully and willingly disengage his head from the rest of his body.

The principled and constitutional stand of Prof. Kankam, against the weird and warped glaring unconstitutional acts of Afenyo-Markin, has undoubtedly culminated in Prof. Kankam being recognized by the President of the Republic, His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo.
Congratulations Prof. Kankam on your fascinating new appointment as the Chairman of UENR Governing Council! May Allah’s guidance and blessings be on you throughout your tenure!

This is an emphatic warning to some other persons in the Effutu NPP, who are old enough to be Afenyo-Markin’s father, but are disgracefully licking the dirty and stinking to high heaven boots of Afenyo-Markin, that the whole world is witnessing and taking account of their pathetic and disgraceful actions as enemies of genuine progress, and for that matter, they would continue to vainly hope on the promises of Afenyo-Markin, which are nothing but outright falsehoods and delusions!

The classic fall from grace to grass by Dr. Samuel Ofori Bekoe (Senior lecturer, former Dean, former UEW-UTAG President and former Convocation Representative on the UEW Governing Council), and Frank Owusu Boateng (former Deputy Finance Officer, UEW), both of who are now Tutors at Accra Technical University, arising solely out of their adherence to the ideology of Afenyo-Markin (false hope), should serve as a warming to all such blind followers!

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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