Local News

Afenyo Markin abandons clients in court 

The Cape Coast High Court 2 has in a sitting presided over by Her Ladyship Justice Mills Tetteh has dismissed the Ex parte application filed by Dr Kaakyire Frimpong Duku, Prof Mawutor Avoke, Dr Theophilus Ackorlie, Frank Boateng, Mary Dzimeh and Ing Daniel Tetteh as 1st to 6th applicants against the University of Education, Winneba as 1st respondent and Supi Kofi Kwayera as 2nd respondent who later joined the applicants in the case.
Lawyer Afenyo Markin who had been jumping from one media house to another on the premise of a certain purported Economic and Organise Crime Office (EOCO) report. He claimed that the said report had exonerated the dismissed staff and so they should be reinstated unconditionally.
However, he inexplicably deserted his clients when push came to shove.
In recent times he had been calling for the unconditional reinstatement of the said officers. Quite recently he even managed to get former President J. J. Rawlings to also added his voice to the call for reinstatement of the said officers. The former President wrote to the National Security Minister drawing his attention to a purported injustice being done to the affected staff. The petition led to many questioning whether the former president had been properly briefed about the issue given the unfortunate comments he made.
Afenyo Markin who knew very well that the ruling had been slated for today decided not to come to court but rather chose to do his usual radio errands with his so-called EOCO report.
The EOCO report was however, shredded in court and dismissed by the court on the basis that it lacked credibility, was doubtful and could not pass any judicial test.
The court did not award any cost against the applicants and the 2nd respondent.
The same court later missed the application challenging the legality of the appointment of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Education, Winneba, Rev Fr. Professor Anthony Afful-Broni, his powers to discipline, to appoint or to nominate candidates for the Pro-Vice-Chancellor’s election and the call for the immediate reinstatement of all dismissed staff of UEW, describing it as unmeritorious.

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