

The Youth Wing of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has received reports with video evidence, police brutality and unwarranted violent attacks on law students and associates peacefully marching in their demand for legal education in Ghana to be opened up and made available to all qualified persons. The actions of the personnel of the Ghana Police Service is unprofessional and we condemn it in no uncertain terms.

For the record, there is no law in Ghana against the right to peaceful protest in accordance with the Public Order Act. It is therefore worrying that in this day and age, the Police Service will mete out violence to peaceful protestors. The behaviour of the men in uniform must be condemned by all and we call on all Ghanaians, civil society groups, religious and allied groups to condemn their actions. We will not stand by for law enforcement agencies to be arbitrary in the discharge of their duties. We further call on the Inspector General of Police, James Oppong Boanuh to investigate this matter and officers found culpable be punished.

The Youth Wing applauds the demonstrators, mostly law students from tertiary institutions and the Ghana National Association of Law Students for standing up and coming together to peacefully press home their demand. Indeed this phenomenon has become an albatross on legal education in Ghana.

At the heart of this historic March today is limited access to legal education in the country. There are more Law graduates than the system is willing to accommodate to be trained as Lawyers. Those in charge of legal education have always argued on limited facilities and what effect so called mass production of Lawyers will have on the legal profession.

The next NDC government under the leadership of HE John Dramani Mahama will ensure that there is increase in the access to legal education whilst preserving the tradition and prestige of the profession. The NDC will as a matter of urgency constitute a Committee and engage all relevant stakeholders with the aim of improving access to legal education without compromising on quality.

The National Democratic Congress believes education is crucial to the development of any nation and must be accessed by all not a privileged few. It is in this spirit, and that of camaderie that we stand with our ‘brothers from the law fraternity’ to press home their demands.

Aluta Continua!
Victoria Ascerta!!

George Opare Addo,
National Youth Organizer,
National Democratic Congress.

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