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Rejoinder: Open Letter To Prof. Obeng Mireku – UEW Governing Council Chairman

Professor Obeng Mireku has not solicited the advice of whoever authored this useless piece in respect of his Chairmanship of the Governing Council of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW). Prof. Obeng Mireku, having worked in several universities across the globe before returning to Ghana, would most likely have come across cantankerous characters like Stephen Nani and Afenyo-Markin in his working life, and the best way to deal with people of low intelligence like Stephen Nani and Afenyo-Markin, is to ignore them, while proceeding with their great tasks.So Prof. Obeng Mireku, would not in the least, waste his time on “greedy bastards” (Rawlings, J. J. 2009), like Stephen Nani and Afenyo-Markin. However, the son of the upright peasant farmer, would respond to ‘fire’ with ‘missiles’.UEW is NOT and will NEVER be the personal property of Afenyo-Markin! Therefore, Afenyo-Markin should forget of reinstating Prof. Avoke as VC of UEW. Even if Avoke had not been sacked, his tenure as VC would have ended on 30th September, 2019! Fact is, Prof. Avoke, will NEVER occupy the office of VC of UEW again, Insha Allah!!Afenyo-Markin is at liberty to set up a private university and appoint the dismissed Prof. Avoke to superintend over it.Stephen Nani, or whoever he truly is, has acknowledged that he is a voodoo priest, hence the statement: “I want to wake you up from the spell influence over you since you attended the 19th September 2019, commissioning of the 5-storey block of flats at the UEW North campus, SSNIT Road, Winneba.If someone does not practise voodoo, how do they know that a spell has been cast on another person? It is apparent that the author’s voodoo is ineffective, otherwise an efficient and effective voodoo, could have been engaged to take control of the UEW Council Chairman’s mind, just as the “Pharaoh leadership” has done.Stephen Nani may consider appointing himself as the Chairman of the UEW Governing Council, because the President of the Republic, His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo, would NEVER appoint a deluded person like Stephen Nani to Chair anything.If Prof. Mrs. Ruby Hanson’s appointment as Ag. Pro-VC was in contravention of any of the laws of this country, why didn’t Stephen Nani and his associates go to court for redress? Since when did Afenyo-Markin and his bankrollers become allergic to litigation? These are people who lack faith, and are widely acknowledged to love litigation, so why didn’t they head to court following the appointment of Prof. Mrs. Ruby Hanson as Ag. Pro-VC?On the issue of service of UEW court processes on the university Librarian, the Supreme Court held that, ONLY the VC and Registrar are the legitimate persons who may be served UEW court processes.Therefore, if Afenyo-Markin is so daft that he is unable to read, understand and put into practice this simple pronouncement of the Supreme Court, then what else do reasonable members of society expect from the baby with very sharp teeth? I nearly forgot that Afenyo-Markin is a good radio lawyer. At least, I have acknowledged something that Afenyo-Markin is good at.If there is a law in this country which provides that belated petitions submitted to Governing Councils ought to be decided within a specified time frame, and this has been breached at UEW, what stops the ignorant Stephen Nani and his paymasters from heading to court?Some lovers of litigation proceeded to court to challenge their dismissals from the employ of UEW, and when defeat stared them straight in the eyes in court, they attempted to forcefully take over UEW.On the back of a public outcry against this crude, primitive and barbaric act masterminded by Afenyo-Markin and his unemployed followers, deployed to take over UEW, they hurriedly petitioned a Minister of Education, and shamefully acknowledged to have been “naive”!! If a Professor is this naive, how could he have competently discharged the duties of the Chief Executive Officer of UEW? No wonder Prof. Avoke, failed woefully as VC of UEW!!Similarly, if the ignorant author has problems with routine administrative transfers at UEW, what stops him from going to court? After all, any idiot like the Ag. Finance Officer he is advocating for, can go to court. (Nketiah, A. 2012).The ‘slut’ parading as Stephen Nani, is so out of step with the current state of affairs at UEW to the extent that, he is ignorantly referring to a non-existent position at UEW, thus Ag. Finance Officer. There is nothing like Ag. Finance Officer at UEW.For the records, there is no Ag. Finance Officer at UEW, much to warrant the suspension of that person.It is evident that, Stephen Nani requires some education on the UEW issues, and until he gets such education, and proceeds to address thieves by their proper titles, the above answers suffice.Apart from Allah, NOTHING can stop me from addressing thieves as thieves, for there is no ‘substitute’ for the word thief, at the moment.If it takes a person just two (2) years to put up three (3) storey buildings in Winneba; buy tipper trucks; acquire about ten (10) acres of land in a prime location in Kumasi for the construction of the biggest hostel in Ghana; demolishes a ramshackle family home in his home town and puts up, in its place, a mansion, among several others, what is this person, other than a thief? All these are fraudulently acquired at the expense of the hardworking students of UEW in particular, and the ordinary Ghanaian in general.This person should prove his source of income!! Simple!Alhassan Salifu Bawah(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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