Local News

Tension Mounts At Manhean Over Another Installation of Chief

Residents of Manhea in the Ga West Municipality of the Greater Accra Region are in fears and need the intervention of the security.

Information gathered by this report indicate that the residents are on their hills to neighboring towns due to tension, fear and panic within the community over what they claim as a clash which may lead to lost of lives.

According to them some unscrupulous individuals have installed another Chief of Manhean Zongo in addition to the already installed Zongo Chief, Sarki Abdul-Kardil Ahmed Abdul-Kardil who have been there for over five years.

The residents believes that the situation will be unbearable for them should the police and other stakeholders fail to intervene and settle the issue amicably.

The residents revealed that the move by those unscrupulous individuals to install another Chief started last year which live to see the light of day due to the quick intervention of the security agencies.

According to the residents they called on the police during installation to act swiftly by stopping the said installation to avoid blood shared but the police rather protected them though COVID-19 Protocols were thrown into to gutters

Further checks revealed that the said installation went on at the residence of one Ali Alhassan who is said to have being the one installed as the Manhean Zongo Chief.

However, further information revealed that the Manhean Zongo Chief and the Manhean Zongo Council of Elders have sued Ali Alhassan for attempting to install himself as a Chief.

Document sighted by this reporter indicate that on June 1, 2020, the Amasaman District Court B ruled that ” irrespective of this the court’s aim in determining this application is not to determine the final rights but rather ensure that until the suit is finally determined defendant dose not assume tittle” part of the ruling reads.

This prevent Ali Alhassan, the defendant from any form of installation or assume any title until the suit is determe.

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