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We Recognise Mpere Family Alone – Numo Nmashie Family Declares

The Numo Nmashie Family of Teshie has declared that it knows and recognizes the Mpere Family of Dedeiman alone when it comes their land situated in the Ga West District of the Greater Accra region.

In a statement, Head of the Numo Nmahie Family, Nii Daniel Nii Adzete Adzei, , claimed the said land falls within the Judgment Plan in the Civil Appeal Plan 49/80, which judgment, he averred, was entered in their favor.

Nii Adzei maintained that, “the land which is situated in the Ga West District of the Greater Accra Region of the Republic, was given to the Mpere Family of Dedeiman, by the Numo Nmashie Family, for farming purposes only.”

To give credence to the family’s claim that the Mpere family owes allegiance to them, he recounted that, “ The 1st Chief of Dedeiman, who was entooled by the elders of the Numo Nmashie Family, had been paying frequent visits to Teshie, until his death”.

He also noted that, in the year 1998, a delegation from the Mpere Family led by Nii Akrofi Mpere, attended the funeral of the late Nii Azaria Adjei Klu, the then Head of the Numo Nmashie Family of Teshie to commiserate with them.
The Mpere Family has been battling in court with some other claimants over portions of land located at Dedeiman, among others.

The areas include Abokobi, Adjankote, Berekuso, Kponkpo Sesem, Danfa, Akporman, Abladjei, Kojokrom, Dedeiman and Teiman which fall within the Judgment plan of the Civil Appeal No. 49/80.

The Numo Nmashie Family therefore wants to put it on record that, “the land, ownership of which is being claimed by the Mpere Family of Dedeiman falls within the Judgment Plan in the Civil Appeal No. 49/80, which judgment was entered in favor Numo Nmashie Family of Teshie.”

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