
Zongo Vibes Politics: NDC, NPP Blame NCCE Over Low Education on Referendum

The two major political parties in Ghana, National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP) have blamed the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) for not putting proper measures in place to educate the public on the upcoming referendum.

The two major political parties activist Alhaji Ali Horoya the Greater Accra Zongo Caucus Coordinator of NDC and Sadat Yahaya Baako a communication team member of the NPP said this on an Hausa political talk show ” “Zongo Vibes” on an Accra based radio station, Amanie Fm 93.3.

According to both activists, the NCCE must come out with different languages in its advertising to educate Ghanaians to understand what the referendum stands for and its importance.

However, the two parties have stated their stands in the upcoming referendum with the NDC calling on Ghanaians to vote NO, whilst the ruling party also taking another side and call on Ghanaians to vote YES.

Stating why the major opposition party opposed the amendment of article 55(3), the NDC Zongo Caucus Greater Coordinator, Alhaji Ali Horoya was of the view that the move by the NPP government to convince well-meaning Ghanaians to vote YES will indirectly disenfranchised the grassroots from occupying positions at the local level.

He added that voting YES will politicize the District Assembly elections and MMDCE’s.

He called on Ghanaians to come out in their numbers to vote NO during the upcoming referendum to reject turning everything in Ghana into politics.

On his part, the NPP communication team member Sadat Yahaya Baako responded that the District Assembly elections are indirectly taking over by political parties hence the need to politicise the MMDCEs, hence the need to vote YES.

Source: Muhammed Faisal Mustapha/Zongo Vibes

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